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Friday, November 9, 2007

Why we hate George Bush? Yes..that so-called US President

1)In exchange for large U.S. oil companies gaining access to occupied territories, Bush reportedly gave $43 million of your tax dollars to the Taliban in May of 2001 - only 4 months before their September 11th attacks on the United States!

2)Bush had no concern about terrorist attacks on the U.S. before 9/11/01.

3)The Bush Regime failed to protect the people of Baghdad from looting, riots, bombings, and other undue circumstances, following the fall of the city - so that the oil ministry would be heavily guarded by U.S. troops.

4)After Bush's "election" was officially announced, President Clinton requested numerous meetings with Bush - specifically to discuss terrorists threats and making them a priority of Bush's Regime. Bush refused to meet with Pres. Clinton, but allowed one of his staff "underlings" to talk to Clinton instead. Not surprisingly, Bush never bothered to find out what Clinton had to say.

5)Bush loved Enron! To prove it, he appointed Thomas White as the Army Secretary. White is a former Enron executive who conveniently sold his stock after an Enron official contacted him. Oh yeah, and he is under criminal investigation for the Enron thing!

6)Bush lied to the American public and Congress about the Taliban's motives in the 9/11/01 attacks in order to gain approval of extremist foreign policies and shield their eyes from the true dangers of the "Patriot Act."

7)Bush and Cheney both refused to testify under oath - or by themselves - to the 9/11 Commission. What do you think they are trying to hide from the public?

8)Bush's oil buddies celebrated when he nominated J. Steven Giles as Deputy Secretary of the Interior. Giles was an oil and coal lobbyist!

9)Many of Bush's buddies own oil companies, so it's not at all shocking that he cut government funding to research renewable energy sources by 50%!

10)A little controversy in the Bush Regime... Bush allowed Interior Secretary Gale Norton to auction oil and gas development tracts off the coast of eastern Florida. Which one(s) of Bush's oil buddies benefited from this!!??

11)Undermining world peace, Bush condoned the Israeli reoccupation of Palestinian territory and rejected the U.N. Security Council's resolutions that provide a framework for conflict resolution between the two. The resolutions have been supported by previous U.S. administrations.

12)Bush further attacks women - this time Asian women who were forced to work as sex slaves in Japan during WWII - by seeking the dismissal of a class-action lawsuit against Japan.

13)"The terrorists are coming, the terrorists are coming!" That's all that our Chicken-Little-In-Chief cares about. Therefore, Bush proposed eliminating a federal program to help communities prepare for natural disasters. The program had been developed and successfully used in Seattle. Never mind that! "The terrorists are coming, the terrorists are coming!"

14)Bush and his cabal of henchmen lied to the American people about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, and they continue to obfuscate the truth while their companies cash in, Iraqis suffer and American soldiers die.

15)Bush has tried to undermine the United Nations, a democratic institution created in large measure by Presidents Eisenhower and Truman. Without even understanding what the UN does, Bush has called it "irrelevant" when it fails to fall in line with his dictates.

All in all, Bush took positive patriotism and global support in the wake of 9/11 and forced it behind his own narrow self-interest in Iraq. He hijacked 9/11 for his own benefit.

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